Racheal Counters Violent Extremism and Empowers Women in Uganda
As you listen to them, you need not to judge them because you think they should have had another way, but to listen to them and advise them on the right way.”
Racheal Mpiriirwe Kaigo, 2018 Fellowship Alumna, Uganda
Racheal Mpiriirwe Kaigo, a 2018 Fellowship Alumna, is very familiar with political processes in Uganda. After finishing university, she worked for a women’s organization called Action for Development, whose mission is to empower women in politics.
During project training, Racheal noticed how apprehensive the women were when advocating for gender issues. She saw firsthand different forms of discrimination that kept women from leadership roles and decided to teach women political and economic skills to build their confidence and help them speak up about issues pertinent to them.
Currently, Racheal works at the Intergovernmental Authority on Development: Centre of Excellence for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (ICEPCVE), where she heads the Civil Society and Community Outreach Unit. The group boasts a robust network of youth- and women-focused organizations from different countries that work to end violent extremism. ICEPCVE created a platform for these organizations to share experiences, knowledge, and best practices.
Learn more about Racheal’s work in this YALI Network blog post.
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