Mildred Sara Apenyo

2014 Fellow from Uganda

Mildred Apenyo created a Facebook page called Fitclique256 in response to accounts of rape and molestation in Uganda's media and the comments that leaders in Uganda were expressing about women's bodies, sexuality, defilement, and rape. Fitclique256 empowers women and girls on both a physical and psychological level with the creation of a women's gym. The gym provides a variety of classes including strength training, Afrikan yoga, dance, and self-defense, with self-defense being heavily discounted to draw more women to the class. When she is not running Fitclique256, Mildred is a columnist, copywriter, and writer. Upon completion of the Washington Fellowship program, she intends to organize self-defense workshops for women who work in high risk areas around Kampala city as well as for those who have been victims of molestation. She also intends to implement self-love and body acceptance programs to be implemented in primary and secondary schools.

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