Setondji Tonoukouen has seven years of experience working on the STI/HIV/AIDS Control Program in Benin. He previously worked on the Prevention Mother to Child HIV/AIDS Transmission (PMTCT) program from 2008 to 2012 and currently serves as the Manager of the regional HIV/AIDS Control Program. In this capacity, he is responsible for training, supervision, monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS program, and coordination of international global health initiatives. Setondji is a member of Emerging Voices for Global Health, an international young researcher's network from 20 countries. He is a medical doctor and holds a master's degree in Public Health from the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium. His main challenge upon completion of the Washington fellowship will be to work with all stakeholders (public, private, communities, and funders) in order to elaborate and implement strategies to reduce mother to child HIV transmission rate from 12% today to less than 5% before the end of 2015.
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2014 Fellow from Benin