Fellowship Alumni

South Africa and Tanzania

Fellowship Alumni Named 2024 African Visionary Fellows

2014 Fellowship Alumnus Murendeni Stewart Mafumo from South Africa and 2018 Fellowship Alumna Nancy Abraham Sumari from Tanzania were named 2024 African Visionary Fellows by the Segal Family Foundation.

The Segal Family Foundation created the African Visionary Fellowship to help leaders devise sustainable solutions relevant to their local contexts through mentorship, exposure, and the support of a community of like-minded changemakers.

Murendeni is founder and CEO of Kusini Water, a social enterprise that builds water treatment systems from nanotechnology and macadamia nut shells. Kusini Water’s systems bring safe drinking water to people throughout the African continent. During his Leadership in Business Institute at Yale University in 2014, Murendeni learned about 3D printing and uses this technology today to create the water filtration systems Kusini Water uses in its projects. After his Fellowship, Kusini Water grew to reach over 50 communities.

Nancy is an award-winning social entrepreneur, children’s book author, and child rights advocate. She is committed to empowering the next generation through Jenga Hub, an initiative seeking to revolutionize education through technology and memorable learning experiences that enhance outcomes while fostering inclusivity and creativity. At Jenga Hub, Nancy champions a culture of design thinking and technological innovation, empowering children and young people to thrive as engaged learners and critical thinkers.

Learn more about the 2024 African Visionary Fellowship.

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