How a Mandela Washington Fellow and Wisconsin Community Member Sparked a Groundbreaking Collaboration
The Mandela Washington [Fellowship] opened my eyes to the diversity and importance of youth participation in the development of the African continent. I have opened my work up for collaborations now and I believe that because of the fellowship I am equipped with essential skills to sustain all the projects I pursue. The Fellowship allowed me to tap into the work I regard as important and understand the power of both local and international partnerships.”
Mpho Seipubi, 2019 Fellowship Alumna, South Africa

While the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating to millions, especially those who are most marginalized, Mpho Seipubi, 2019 Fellowship Alumna, and Wisconsin resident Kathi Seiden-Thomas believe that this moment in history is an opportunity for the global community to dismantle systems of oppression and rebuild a more just society that respects the planet, relies on indigenous wisdom and centers leadership with those who are most impacted by disparities.
Their new initiative, Whose Stories Will We Hear, provides a platform for Africans to tell their own stories and be at the forefront of how history views Africa and its people. To date, it has published 28 stories from 16 African countries. Learn more about the initiative in this interview with the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s African Studies Program.
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Chebet Lesan
2016 Fellowship Alumna, Kenya